Well this really has been such a fun summer!! I've Definitely been SPOILED!!! My husband is waaaay to good to me. While he is out working 8 hour days and managing/babysitting 6 other guys, I get to stay home and play with Atty and Easton all day long!!! Don't get too jealous though because when the summer is over my husband is making me work harder then I have before haha. But we have decided that pretty much her and I are married to each other since we see more of each other then our husbands haha. Without Atty and little E I really don't know how I would have survived this summer. I would have been bored out of my mind! Im so sad that she is going home a month before I am! Its been way too much fun with her! We have become great friends and I feel like i'm almost Easton's second mom haha. We have shared many laughs and done lots of things girly girls like to do. Here are just a few of the activities that kept us busy this summer....
PoOl TiMe - - -
CrAftS - - -
ThRoW PiLlOwS - - -
MaDe a WrEaTh - - -
CuTe NeW SwImMiNg BaG - - -
Doing our own GlItTeR ToEs - - -
NaIl MaRbLiNg - - -
EaTiNg LoTs of JuNk FoOd - - -
PlAyInG with OuR NeW PuPpIeS... Winnie and Neil - - -
HaIr FeAtHeRs and OmBrE :)
I'm so sad that she is gone now but i'm Sooo happy that I got to make a new best friend!
So I might of got a little teary eyed reading this! WE miss you already and can't wait to see you in sept! WOOT WOOT! we did have a good summer didn't we!