Saturday, December 3, 2011

We ArE ThAnKfUl :)

   This past month there hasn't been a whole lot going on, but the most exciting things that have happened is Jay had his 26th Birthday, my Mother came to visit us, and Thanksgiving! So my mom is so Crazy! It was kinda a spur of the moment type thing. She called me up and said they wanted to come visit us and bring the rest of our furniture and within the next few days she was on her way! Her and her friend Curly brought her 40 ft. motorhome hauling a 20 ft. trailer behind it! I told you she is crazy haha. But you should see my mother drive that motorhome... to her it's like driving a small honda civic. She will drive that thing everywhere even in the tightest places its no big deal to her. She would drive it everyday as her get around car if it wasn't for the gas haha. So they left Friday night and arrived Saturday night just in time for Jay's Birthday Cake! It took them so long because they had to go through a big snow storm.
   Saturday November 19th was Jay's birthday he turned 26 and we did exactly what he wanted to do. NOTHING. He just wanted to lay around in his pj's all day and watch football, play football on xbox, have me be his slave, and for me to make his favorite dinner, Chicken Cordon Blue and Cornbread (which I make amazingly I might add ;) haha). So that's what he got! I didn't mind too much because I like to Spoil him. And also for my birthday i'm 10 times worse to him ;) haha. I'm glad my mom and Curly showed up at the end of the day, it just added a little cherry on top to be able to celebrate with some family :). We only got to spend a little time with them though because late Sunday afternoon they packed up and left again :(. It felt so great though to just have them here for as long as we could get them to stay.

  Thanksgiving this year sure was different. We both are used to being around our big families with lots of chaos and fun family traditions. But this year it was just me, the hubby, and our 2 daughters ;) Palin and Winnie. It was really relaxing and it was really fun for me to learn how to make all the Thanksgiving dishes. I'm used to my grandma and aunts getting all the main dishes cooked and my job is always to make the punch haha. So I was a bit nervous thinking of cooking a turkey all by myself. But it was a lot easier then I thought!! And it was absolutely Delicious!

   We are so Thankful for all our family and friends! We miss you all so much and living away makes us feel more grateful to have you in our lives. We have realized how we took seeing you everyday for granted. We get so excited thinking about coming home for Christmas and just spending every min we possibly have just being in the presence of people we love :).
   I just want to say how thankful I am for my little family. My 2 sweet dogs Palin and Winnie keep me alive and going for sure. I'm thankful for Palin and how she sits so anxiously just looking at me waiting to give me a hug. She has so much love she wants to give us and how she will at every opportunity she can give us a kiss (Our feet have never been cleaner ;) haha). I'm thankful for Winnie and how she protects our family from every noise she hears outside ;) and that she keeps us on our toes when she is going to want to fight us haha. I also love that she definitely is a momma's girl :). I love my nightly cuddle time with her. Don't worry Palin get lots of love too but she is a daddy's girl :). Now i'm the most thankful for my Hot best friend Jay! My husband is the greatest thing in my life :). He makes me laugh more then 74 times in a day (thats probably average). I cant image not having him in my life. Being in Arizona has really strengthened our love more then ever. Learning to rely on each other and no one else has been great for our relationship. I'm grateful that he goes out to work everyday even on days no one else does and works his butt off to provide for us. He is such an honest man (sometimes a little too honest) but thats what I love about him. He always puts me first before himself. I've never felt more loved :).

Thursday, November 3, 2011

WhAts GoInG oN???

   Alright, I know its been foreeeeeever long since I have blogged! I have been putting it off way too long and things just keep happening and I just don't have the willingness or patience to sit down and type everything. But today my husband is watching football and then after the games are over he is playing football on xbox. So since i'm not interested in any of that I will blog. I just promised myself that if I do this I wouldn't write long detailed posts about everything and only write about the big important things so that it doesn't take two days and a half to do it haha.
   So my last post was us still living in Albuquerque, NM. Well at the end of August I left NM for good and went back to Utah with my 2 dogs and stayed with my mom and sis for a few weeks while Jay stayed and finished out the summer. While I was at home in Utah my Best Friend of 15 years, Kendra Gille (now Kendra Fromm) got MARRIED! Im so happy for them! Im telling you it was the most beautiful wedding i've been to! She had it outside in our neighbors beautiful backyard. I cant explain how beautiful it was in words so i'll just show you in pictures!

   I packed up all my clothes and moved to Arizona the beginning of Sept. Jay had been there for a few days working and trying to find us a place to live. We found a cute 2 bedroom 2 bath condo in Mesa. Its the perfect area to live in. There is literally every store and food place I could ever want within a 10 min drive. I love it! The only problem is.... we didn't have one piece of furniture to go in it. We bought an air mattress to sleep on and had 2 t.v.'s and that was it! All of our furniture was still in Utah and we were going to go get it in 3 weeks. It felt like we were homeless except we had a roof over our head haha. Pretty ghetto. But it actually was really fun and humbling and a funny experience we can look back at years down the road. Here is what our life was like for about a month...

   The end of every summer Jay's work does a company cruise. So we got to go cruisin around Mexico! It was such a blast!! We spent 2 days in Cabo San Lucas, and 1 day in Puerto Vallarta. Cabo was our favorite by far! It was so clean and we felt safe there. We did a lot of snorkeling and playing in the warm ocean, a lot of walking around the shops and eating authentic mexican food. Once we got to Puerto Vallarta the weather was soooo hot and humid and the only thing to do was to pay money for an excursion so we got off the boat and then right back on haha. We spent that day in the pool and just relaxing on the boat. We got to know more of the people that work for Now Communications and became good friends with a lot of them. We had such a blast! And we also got to celebrate our 6 month anniversary while in Mexico so that was cool! We had taken a cruise for our honeymoon too, so I think we should keep it a tradition and go on a cruise to celebrate every 6 months of our marriage ;) 

Right after our cruise we headed to Utah for about a week. I stayed and hung out with family and friends while Jay, his brother, and 2 friends went on a fishing trip to Oregon. I got to go to a movie with my dad (we saw Real Steel and it was actually a really great show), I got to babysit my nieces and nephew, have a good family dinner at my brothers house, go to lunch with Atty Adams and her handsome boy Easton, and packed up as much of our furniture and stuff as I possibly could fit in a small trailer. It feels so nice to Finally have a couch and table and a dresser and a place that actually looks like a home :).

   Halloween just came and gone and this year it was more of a simple laid back year. Im sad we weren't in Utah to see all our nieces and nephews costumes and to go trick or treating with them. We had plans to go to our friend's house for a Halloween party but the day before Jay and our friend both got the flu and were to sick to leave the house. So instead it was just a night for me and the hubby to spend time together. I was getting a little bored while he played xbox so I decided to get creative and build us a fort. He thinks i'm the weirdest person but I think I just have a good imagination haha. It wasn't the coolest looking fort but it was pretty fun to just sit in our 80's workout costumes (which were really comfy, Jay even kept his tights on the whole night lol) eating Halloween candy and watching movies. Well... that was our night, I know, pretty sad and boring but hey we enjoyed it!

   Thats pretty much everything thats been going on. We have been having a good time living in Arizona and we are definitely enjoying the 100 degree weather. Its starting to cool down though and it is absolutely perfect! Somewhere between mid 70s and 80s just getting chilly enough to start wearing boots and sweaters! My favorite! And NO SNOW makes it 100 times better!    HAVE A FABULOUS DAY!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

:HeLqUiSt Family CaMpOut:

    A couple weekends ago Jay and I traveled to Monticello and Blanding for a camping trip with his family! It was great to get away and see his sister and brother and their families because we haven't seen them since we got married! Jay said its been 12 years since his family went on a camping trip together! So we packed up our camping gear and took our New Nissan Frontier and our cute dogs on Road Trip! Once we got into town the party began. The guys went golfing while the girls and kids went to the pool! We spent many hours soaking up the sun and splashing around. We met the guys at the camp site and while everyone was setting up tents, trailers and campfires me, Jay and the 2 dogs snuck away to a little reservoir close by to fish. We ended the day just sitting by the fire chit chatting and Jay singing and playing the guitar for us. Oh how I have missed hearing him sing and play!! It was beautiful. 
    Day 2 started out by Me making French Toast for the whole Crew! I'd have to say I did a pretty good job dipping and flipping all that bread fast for 15 starving people! Our bellies were full and we were off for some site seeing and family pictures around town. We went to Bluff to have lunch at the Bluff Fort and my father-in-law had some fun games planned for the kids... but me and Jay joined in haha. Jay was so proud he won the sack race (against 3 to 7 year olds ha). Then we headed on over to do some more fishing. Jay caught 5 so we took them on home gutted them and Chelsea, my sis-in-law, cooked them in the fire wrapped in tinfoil with onions and lemons and lemon pepper. Now I Hate fish but the way she cooked them it didn't even taste like fish it was so delicious. We sat around the fire eating smores and stargazing and talked till we were sleepy.
    Day 3 we packed up camp and said our goodbyes and then went golfing one last time before heading home. Winnie was so pooped and tired every time I held her in the car or on the cart golfing she would fall asleep. We wore her right out. And then we listened on the Ipod to The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown all the way home. It was such a great weekend. I love his family so much and i'm so glad I get to be apart of them forever.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

:D a Y s of S u M m E r:

    Well this really has been such a fun summer!! I've Definitely been SPOILED!!! My husband is waaaay to good to me. While he is out working 8 hour days and managing/babysitting 6 other guys, I get to stay home and play with Atty and Easton all day long!!! Don't get too jealous though because when the summer is over my husband is making me work harder then I have before haha. But we have decided that pretty much her and I are married to each other since we see more of each other then our husbands haha. Without Atty and little E I really don't know how I would have survived this summer. I would have been bored out of my mind! Im so sad that she is going home a month before I am! Its been way too much fun with her! We have become great friends and I feel like i'm almost Easton's second mom haha. We have shared many laughs and done lots of things girly girls like to do. Here are just a few of the activities that kept us busy this summer....

PoOl TiMe - - -
CrAftS - - - 
ThRoW PiLlOwS - - -
MaDe  a WrEaTh - - - 
CuTe NeW SwImMiNg BaG - - -
Doing our own GlItTeR ToEs - - - 
NaIl MaRbLiNg - - -
EaTiNg LoTs of JuNk FoOd - - -
PlAyInG with OuR NeW PuPpIeS... Winnie and Neil - - -
HaIr FeAtHeRs and OmBrE :)

   I'm so sad that she is gone now but i'm Sooo happy that I got to make a new best friend!