Friday, June 1, 2012

:South Carolina Bound:

   Ok so you know how my last post said "We are back and back for good!"? Well..... I lied. We moved.. again.... But before I start blogging about our new home there are a few things I want to catch up on.

1 Year Anniversary!!!!
   Wahoo we made it ;)! Who knew a year could go by so fast! Its crazy all the things we have done, the places we have lived, and the things we have been through and it was all in that 1 year. But we are still just as in love as ever! We have adjusted our lives to fit around each other's and now have certain pet peeves that we don't like about each other haha. But more importantly we have many more reasons why we love each other then we did in the beginning. It's so wonderful knowing that every morning I get to wake up and see his face for the rest of our lives. Hopefully it stays as cute as it is now ;). He makes me laugh every single day and i'm so grateful because without him my life would be so boring. It still surprises me the funny things that comes out of that mouth of his. He makes me feel so loved and that he is also happy that i'm the one he chose to be with forever. I love our Journey so far together and I cant wait for all the many years ahead and what they have in store for us. For our Anniversary we went Tucanos for dinner and to the Jazz/Golden State basketball game and we stayed the night at the cutest little Bed and Breakfast called Inn on the Hill. I Loved it!!! I highly suggest to everyone to go spend a night there! I want to go stay there again every year.

The Beginning of Our Lives Together

Happy Birthday to ME!
   I turned 24 on March 24th. It was my Golden Birthday Year wahoo! I always thought when I was younger that when it was my golden birthday I was going to be soooo old and that it was never going to come... but it did... and now I am old. But it was a good relaxing birthday. I celebrated it out at my grandma's house in Vernal. That was the first time I have spent my birthday there and it was so wonderful I think i'll do it again. They spoiled me rotten with 2 birthday cakes and good gifts. We rode four wheelers, fished, played in the Reservoir, got in the hot tub, and just enjoyed the company of my family. 

Mavericks Game!
   Jay recently signed to go out and sale for the summer with Vivint and them being the wonderful company that they are took us to the Mavericks/Jazz game! We were on the court in the 2nd row!!! It was one of the coolest experiences of my life! It was so much fun and I couldn't believe that we were that close to the players! My husband is the biggest Mavericks fan you could know and he Loves Dirk Nowitzki so he was just in heaven. He didn't talk to me the entire game lol. Thanks Vivint!!! 

Our Big Move
   So I thought we were done with the whole moving thing but plans change and we never know whats next. Jay signed to sale security systems with Vivint because we felt like it was the right decision for us. So we packed up our truck and dogs and headed across the country to South Carolina!!! Let me tell ya being in the car for 3 days is Not Fun!!!! But its been worth it. Its absolutely beautiful here! We are in Columbia for now, and the first of July we will be moving to Charleston which will be only a few min from the beach! I cant wait!! Jay has been doing really well selling and I have been relaxing pretty much. I get to play with my dogs everyday, I hangout with the many wives that are out here, I lay by the pool, we go to the Zoo, play at the river, fish, and cook many meals. It has been wonderful but I miss my family and friends so much back at home. Im sad this summer I wont be able to fly back home but its only a few more months. Here are just a few pictures of the start of the summer.
We got to feed the Giraffes it was so cool
I take the dogs to a field and they chase each other around for hours its really entertaining

Thursday, February 16, 2012

:We Are Back And Back For GOOD!:

   Im getting really really bad at this whole keeping up with my blog thing. There is just too much stuff going on that I rarely have time to just sit down and write about it. And when I do have time I would rather sit on my lazy butt and watch my many tv shows I DVR every night :).  So here it goes.... the last  2 1/2 months in a nut shell...
   Lets start with CHRISTMAS. We drove back to Utah and got to spend it with our wonderful families! My Peay side of the Family had a Christmas/Grandpa Peay's 80th Birthday party. It was so fun to see extended family and get to Celebrate the life of most wonderful Grandpa in the world! Christmas eve was probably one of the best Christmas Eves I've had. We had my family and some friends over at my mom's house and Jay played his guitar while we all sang along. He also made up songs as he played about people who were there and had us all rolling on the floor laughing. And of course we had our tradition of getting pajama pants and Santa Clause coming to our house and asking each of us what we want for Christmas and giving us a nice juicy orange. Christmas Day was great I got so many wonderful presents and loved giving everyone presents! My husband is so sweet and amazing he spoiled me too much!!! It didn't feel like a long enough vacation but me and Jay had to head back to Arizona. These were pictures I took of our puppies with my new camera on our trip back.
   Once we got back to Arizona we both just got the feeling that living there wasn't right for us and that we needed to move Back to Utah. So we took a full day and packed everything up and headed back to Utah 3 days later!! Just think about how much driving we had been doing that week!!! 12 hours to Utah, 12 hours back, and then 12 hours back to Utah hahaha. I don't ever want to go on another road trip again! We arrived to Utah to stay for good New Year's Eve and we were to exhausted to even stay up till 12 to celebrate haha. I can't even explain the comforting feeling we had knowing we were here to stay. Thinking about living back there just gives us a sick feeling because it just wasn't right. I spent 3 months everyday applying online and turning my resume into places trying to find a job. And I never got one. Then on my way driving to Utah I got a call for and interview and one week later I had a job. Weird. I now work at Fantastic Sam's in north Orem. So if anyone needs a cut, color, wax or anything come visit me! Jay's job in Arizona wasn't going as we planned and now he has a different better paying job and he is very happy. It really is just meant to be for us to be in Utah. Its been such a blessing for us.

   A very unexpected event happened recently in our life. On January 10th I got an early morning phone call from my dad saying that my Grandpa Peay had passed away that early morning. He had died of a sudden heart attack. I didn't believe it at first, it didn't seem real. I had just seen him at Christmas. He was perfectly healthy, happy, enjoying life. He worked on his farm everyday baling hay with his tractor. He looked great and didn't act like he was 80 years old at all. I have never had anyone that was really close to me pass away. I don't think I have ever cried that hard in my life. I just keep thinking of how blessed we are that me and Jay were able to come up for Christmas and be with him. Its hard to think about the hug goodbye I gave him the night of his 80th birthday was the last hug and moment I spent with him. It makes me cry every time. But I really am thankful that I actually got to say goodbye and tell him that I loved him. He was such an Amazing and Special man. He Always put his family first. He was so strong in the church and he was a great example for me. He never had a lot to say. He was more of a listener and would just sit in his rocking chair and watch the family talk and play. Or he would take a nap, most the time he did that haha. I'll always cherish the moments I got to cut his hair when I went out to visit. It seems silly but that was special to me. I got to have conversations with him one on one. I was always amazed at how thick, soft and beautifully white his hair was. One day when i'm 80 I hope my hair is as beautiful as his was. I'm going to miss his sneezes... If you knew him you would understand, they always made me laugh. I'm going to miss his voice and laugh when I go to visit at the ranch. And every time I drink or smell Pepsi I will think of him. Because that's his smell to me, not a certain cologne, just pepsi. He had a pepsi in his hand at all times of the day... morning, noon and night. I'm sad that my children wont get to meet him, I'll just have to tell them the special stories I had with him. But I am happy that he is with his Heavenly Father again. I know he is happy and that he will be watching over me throughout my life till I get to see him again.

   On more of a happy note Valentines just happened and it couldn't have been any better! It was simple and Perfect! Most of you may know Jay isn't the most romantic guy, but on Valentines he sure proved me wrong lol. I had to work a few hours on Valentines and while I was working he came in and delivered to me a very cuddly teddy bear that had a cute balloon around it along with some amazing chocolate covered popcorn! My favorite! It was such a surprise and it made my day 100 times better! When I got home I started getting ready to go out to dinner and he surprised me again with some beautiful pink roses! He really thought of everything. We went down to the Riverwoods to Happy Sumo for dinner but there was an hour wait so we killed time at the Provo Beach Resort and did some bowling. If you talk to him he said he was kicking my butt but I think I was pretty close to catching up to him. We didn't get to finish bowling because our reservation was ready. So we will never really know who was going to win ;). Happy Sumo is my new favorite place to eat sushi! Sooooo good! Thank you Hubby for an amazing Valentines it was perfect in every way! I love him with all my heart and I cant imagine not being with him! We are so happy and I cant wait to celebrate Valentines with him every year for the rest of our lives :).